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What Makes A Good Speech

Speech is one of the most powerful tools at a person’s disposal and it can make a tremendous impact when used effectively. The art of crafting and delivering a good speech can inspire, unitize, and impassion audiences, often leading to significant changes and awakening thought-provoking ideas. But what exactly makes a good speech? The answer lies in several key elements, each contributing to the overall effectiveness and appeal of a spoken address.

The first aspect to consider is the choice of topic. An engaging topic will capture the crowd’s attention and keep them interested. The subject should be relevant to the audience and offer a perspective or point of view that encourages open dialogue and thoughts.

Secondly, a powerful speech always has a clear and distinct purpose. It could be to inform, to persuade, or to entertain. This purpose should be apparent from the very beginning, catching the listener’s attention and encouraging them to invest their time and mental energy in what the speaker has to say.

Words and Delivery

A speech’s strength also lies in its structure and the use of language. Good speeches often start with a captivating opening that piques the listener’s curiosity or addresses a shared concern. This is normally followed by the body where the main points are developed, supported by facts, quotes, or stories to create a clear, vivid picture. Finally, an impactful conclusion wrap ups the speech while providing a lasting impression.

Moreover, a good command of language and word choice is important in speeches. The speaker should strive to be simple and direct, avoiding jargons that might alienate the crowd, while employing rhetorical devices like repetition, alliteration, metaphors, and similes to make the speech more engaging.

Very critical to a speech’s success as well is its delivery. An excellent text that is poorly delivered does not always equate to a great message received. Delivery requires the speakers to be aware of their voice dynamics such as tempo, pitch, volume and tone. Non-verbal cues play an important role too, encompassing body language, facial expressions, and eye contact. This helps to establish a connection with the audience keeping them visually engaged.

Importance of Public Speaking Skills

The phrase ‘importance of public speaking skills’ highlights a crucial reality where effective speeches cannot be separated from the overall communication skills of the speaker. A speaker’s personality and personal style play a strong role in connecting with the audience while reflecting their emotional stability and intellectual capabilities. The more confident and comfortable the speaker, the more credible they become to their audience and the higher the chances that the presented message will be well received.

Finally, practice is essential in mastering public speaking and subsequently, delivering a good speech. Great speeches might seem to flow effortlessly but in reality, they are always a result of rigorous rehearsals and refinements. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.


While the art of public speaking may initially appear overwhelming, one should not be daunted by the challenge it presents. Remember the key elements – an engaging topic, clear purpose, well-structured and well-written speech, effective delivery, and continuous practice. All of these layered with a good command of public speaking skills will enhance the odds of delivering a memorable and compelling speech, one that inspires and makes a meaningful impact.